21 November 2012
Players stand in a circle. One player is in the middle with a ball. While music is playing the centre person passes the ball back and forth between players. When the music stops the player who last touched the all must run around the circle and get back to their spot before the person in the centre can name all the colours the runner is wearing. If they name all the colours they then switch places with that player. An alternative instead of playing music is to get the group to sing a song together.
players are formed into teams of equal numbers. Each person at the front of the line is given a roll of cord with a spoon attached to the end. At a signal, the front person takes the spoon and puts it down their top and pants, the next person takes the spoon and cord and puts it up their pants and top. This goes on, until the whole team is connected. Hey collectively move to a line 50 feet and reverse the sequence to get the spoon back to the roll.
Bed Sheet Ping Pong
Form two teams. Each team holds an opposite end of a bed sheet. A ping pong ball is placed in the middle of the sheet. The object is to get the ball to fall off of the other teams side, for a point. The sheet can be raised and lowered as needed but remind the players to be careful not to “launch” the ball as they will be very
Back Words
Divide the group into teams of 5 people each with pencil and paper. Call out a word which has four or more letters. Each team writes the word vertically down the left side of the paper, and on the right side write the word vertically backwards. Then they have to fill in between the letters to form new words.
Hungry Animals
Players are divided into different animal groups. Each group has a “collector”. In the playing area there are “treasures” (i.e. Bean bags, candies) which animals try to find. Once treasure is found, the animal makes their
Cone guard
Toe teams compete by passing a ball between team members to the opposite end of the playing area. When a team member drops a pass or it is batted away, the other team takes over that spot. The object is to hit the other team’s pylon with the ball. Players cannot encroach on a three foot diameter goal area which a goalie stands in. If the goalie touches their pylon the other team is given a point.
Players stand in a circle and face each other with hands raised waist high. A ball is thrown to one person who in turn throws it to another and so on to establish as pattern. Once you’ve caught the ball, put your hands down until everyone has caught the ball. The key point is to remember the person you threw the ball to. When the ball gets back to the person who originally started it, the same sequence is repeated. To add excitement put in a couple more balls and speed things up. Try doing it backwards too.
Clap It
All players sit in a circle except for one player who stands out of hearing and faces away from the group. Quietly the group picks out something someone is wearing and the first player returns to the group. As they walk around the circle the player’s clap, louder when he is near and quietly when they are far away. Once the right person is located, the object must be found the same way as they more their hands about the person’s body looking (listening) for the object.
Belt Loop Ball
Divide the players into teams of 10 people. Each team competes with itself to ‘play’ the game successfully. It is fun to have different players make up each team every time the game is repeated. Each team stands in a straight line; they are tied together by passing the rope through the left loop of every player’s belt. The object of the game is to guide a soccer ball (players use only their feet) from one side of the playing area to another. However, the only players who are allowed to kick the ball are those holding one of the two ping-pong balls. Every time the leader calls “SWITCH” the people holding the ping-pong balls pass them on to different members of their team. Only one kick per time holding the ping-pong ball is permitted. After each team becomes adept at completing the run across the playing area, competitions between teams can be organized.
Hop Along
Players stand in pairs face to face. They then lift their right leg straight up and allow their partner to grab it under their left arm. In t his position they must hop to a designated spot and then run back to allow the next pair to go. This game may be done in threes or fours and also it can be done as a relay race.
Circle of Stone
Players sit in a circle with one in the middle. A second player steps in and the two sit face to face. Without touching them, the second player has six seconds to make the first laugh. If successful, the second player becomes the stone and a new challenger steps forward.
Battle For Freedom
The majority of players crouch on the floor pretending to hide an object which only one player actually has. Five “Freedom Fighters” run from player to player asking, “have you got the Rhune?” as soon as they locate the Rhune, they attempt to hit the two Warlock Lords, (use a foam ball) who in turn have been trying to hit the freedom fighters from the start of the game. Once a player is hit they are immobilized.
A Hat & A Cat
Players sit in circle and the leader begins by passing a ball to the player on their right while saying “this is a cat”. The person will ask, “a what?” and the leader replies “a cat”. The second player the passes the ball to a third player and says “this is a cat” and the third player will reply “a what?” and the question gets passed back to the original leader. Each time the ball goes as far as one more player, and then the question returns to the leader. (everyone has to say “a what?” all the way back to the leader and then “a cat” all the way back to where the ball was before it can be passed on again). Start a hat going the other way for a challenge.
All players are divided into three or four animal categories (i.e. wolves, chickens, pigs). All players scattered randomly about the playing area, close their eyes and attempt to get into groups of similar animals only using their appropriate animal sounds.
In a second round allow sight but no sound…players can make the actions but are not allowed to make noise.
In a second round allow sight but no sound…players can make the actions but are not allowed to make noise.
Animal Farm
Whisper the name of an animal to each player. On a given signal players must make the noise of the animal they are assigned for a set time period, approx. one min. see how many animals players can identify.
Back to Back
One player is designated as runner while the other players pair up back to back with elbows Interlocked. At the call of “ALL CHANGE” players must leave their partner and find another. The runner attempts to get another partner and the remaining person becomes the new caller.
Laughing Matter
All players stand side by side. One player is chosen to be the laugh maker and stands facing one player in the line. That player’s objective is to make that person laugh as fast as possible. When successful, that player joins the laugh maker and they attempt to make others laugh. The objective is to have all the players become laugh makers in he shortest time possible.
19 November 2012
Bangkitkan Minat Siswa
Tehnik sederhana ini dapat membangkitkan keingintahuan siswa dengan memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa, menduga-duga, mengira-ngira pengetahuan apa yang akan diterima siswa terhadap materi yang akan disampaikan guru.
1. Buat satu pertanyaan yang berhubungan dengan materi pelajaran dengan maksud membangunkan minat siswa untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut atau mendiskusikan dengan teman-temannya. Buat pertanyaan yang menurut guru hanya diketahui oleh sebagian siswa, misalnya tentang:
o Peristiwa aktual/pengetahuan sehari-hari
o Bagaimana
o Definisi
o Ide pokok/gagasan utama
o Cara kerja sesuatu
o Produk/Hasil
o. Solusi
2. Anjurkan siswa untuk menjawab apa saja sesuai dengan dugaan siswa. Gunakan kata-kata seperti: "Coba apa kira-kira....", "Apa dugaan kalian..."
3. Jangan memberi jawaban yang benar secara langsung. Tampung dulu semua dugaan-dugaan itu. Biarkan peserta didik bertanya-tanya tentang jawaban yang benar.
4. Gunakan pertanyaan-pertanyaan itu sebagai jembatan untuk mengajarkan materi yang ingin Anda sampaikan. Jangan lupa memberi jawaban yang benar pada saat (ditengah-tengah) Anda menyampaikan pembelajaan.
1. Buat satu pertanyaan yang berhubungan dengan materi pelajaran dengan maksud membangunkan minat siswa untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut atau mendiskusikan dengan teman-temannya. Buat pertanyaan yang menurut guru hanya diketahui oleh sebagian siswa, misalnya tentang:
o Peristiwa aktual/pengetahuan sehari-hari
o Bagaimana
o Definisi
o Ide pokok/gagasan utama
o Cara kerja sesuatu
o Produk/Hasil
o. Solusi
2. Anjurkan siswa untuk menjawab apa saja sesuai dengan dugaan siswa. Gunakan kata-kata seperti: "Coba apa kira-kira....", "Apa dugaan kalian..."
3. Jangan memberi jawaban yang benar secara langsung. Tampung dulu semua dugaan-dugaan itu. Biarkan peserta didik bertanya-tanya tentang jawaban yang benar.
4. Gunakan pertanyaan-pertanyaan itu sebagai jembatan untuk mengajarkan materi yang ingin Anda sampaikan. Jangan lupa memberi jawaban yang benar pada saat (ditengah-tengah) Anda menyampaikan pembelajaan.
18 November 2012
Match Up
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