Recalling information
Recognising, listing, describing, retrieving, Identifying, naming,locating, finding.
(List, Memorise, Relate, Show, Locate, Distinguish, Give example, Reproduce, Quote, Repeat, Label, Recall, Know, Group, Read, Write, Outline, Listen, Group, Choose, Recite, Review, Quote, Record, Match, Select, Underline, Cite, Sort)
- Make a story map showing the main events of the story.
- Make a time line of your typical day.
- Make a concept map of the topic.
- Write a list of keywords you know about….
- What characters were in the story?
- Make a chart showing…
- Make an acrostic poem about…
- Recite a poem you have learnt.
Teacher Roles
What happened after...?
How many...?
What is...?
Who was it that...?
Can you name ...?
Find the definition of…
Describe what happened after…
Who spoke to...?
Which is true or false...? (Pohl, Learning to Think, Thinking to Learn, p. 12)
Sample Unit:
How many ways can you travel from one place to another? List and draw all the ways you know. Describe one of the vehicles from your list, draw a diagram and label the parts. Collect “transport” pictures from magazines- make a poster with info.
Cut out “space” pictures from a magazine. Make a display or a collage. List space words (Alphabet Key). List the names of the planets in our universe. List all the things an astronaut would need for a space journey.