19 Desember 2013

Abbreviations for SMS

The following are some examples of “SMS”

  1. My asst. cannot come today.
  2. This bldg is very expensive.
  3. Your letter has ben recd.
  4. Yr book will be borrowed.
  5. The mtg will be openned at 9 am.

What ae the meanings of the underlined words?


  1. asst: assistant
  2. bldg: building
  3. recd: received
  4. yr: your
  5. mtg: meting

You may be able to try to find abbreviation from any resources or even you may try to create your own abbreviation. Do the receivers undestand your message? If the answer is yes, it means it is understandable.


some abbrevations are usually used for telex, not only for sending message trough you mobil phone. If you want to send your messages by using abbrevation to the writer of this book.